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01 November 2009

The Unspeakable Weblog is back, after a rather calm summer. I've been very busy reanimating my long-dead-but-dreaming graphic website. Now it is up and running with his own domain name and hosting server, powered by Typo3 CMS, and will be much easier to update. I have displayed there a lot of old and original works. All Lovecraft fans shoud go and check my "seroius" vision of the elder gods, along with many unpublished digital paintings.

I will also rebuild soon the Vault site, with more automated updates and an easier http adress. Thanks to all cultists that pointed me all the link errors and image duplication; with the engine, I hope this will get easier...

New Strip #317 : A freudian view from the vault.

New Strip #316 : I went to traditional giant Essen Gam Fair, to sign books and games at the Pegasus Booth. Big time there with all the Pegasus Crew, Fans (

Guest Art: This Summer mages sent by fan cultists:

Varnath by Michaël
Fhtagn by Johanna
Nyarly by "Shreguts"

Crazy knitted version of the shoggies... from this crazy website

Let's imagine an interview with shoggies... Well, crazy cultist made it!

Michel Titin-Schnaider is an electro-acoustic musician that just released his very own personal visions of the Lovecraft universe made into music. Between "Slam" (Rythmed lecture of text - in French) and concrete/electro-acoustic experimentation,"L'Oratorio de l'Indiscible" is a very personal piece of music. Some of my images were also used for CD sleeve.

And a compilation of interesting links:

14 great Cthulhu toys that make devouring souls fun

I always thought this image was a disturbuting props (such as the one seen in the clever propnomicon...) but face it: it's a true picture from a dead - but real - naimal: there is a squid with teeth!

Promachoteuthis sulcus is yet rather small (25mm body lengh). more info here.

Check also the giant carnivorous bobbit worm... something that could have given mean ideas to Old Howard:

An interesting article about the influence of HPL on the WWW, by L.Latham (Lovecraft is Missing)...

A superb gallery of Lovecraftian horrors made real by Andrew Scott.

Nature is the weirdest film producer and SFX creator: here's a very disturbing sequence that can let you imagine what a shoggoth looks like... But movie is just about tadpoles...

Nice crossover between Cthulhu and Pacman...

An other well-documented HPL-related Blog woth visiting.

A fascinating website compiling a huge numbers of weird, curious and esoteric places around the world: Atlas Obscura (Contributed by Francky)

The excelent Boston Globe Big Picture (high-quality actuality photos) show an impressive serie about a undersea eruption near Tonga. Astoundings pictures, and a small glimpse of Cthulhoo's wake-up there...

Popular culture is now fully invaded: check this "Cthulh Vs God" in Scribblenauts video game...

24 February 2008

Huge Update today:

Today's Strip #252 is rather "easy", but was needed to update - finally - this weblog.

Even if this weblog was Dead but Dreaming, I've added a few strips the last weeks:

Strips#251, another invocation, Strip#250, about one of my favorite Super Hero (not the pitifull movie version, of course) and Strip#249 especially for physicists.

I finally moved to my new place, and hope to be able to update the vault more often by now. Many cultists wrote to me since the beggining of the year, and I haven't be able to answer correctly to all those mails - to display guest art, for example. I just want to apologize, and promise to put eveything in the front of the world as soon as possible!

Based on Strip#246, I've build a bookshelf wallpaper (tileable) for a cultist; Here it is, given for your personnal use!:

I've added a new visual for Tshirts: The-One-Not-To-Named:

And I've been talking from the guys of Comboutique, they are shipping to the USA and Canada.
But I'm currently working with Steve Jackson Game to sell Tshirts directly in America, it will be better for Shipping Fares and Euro/$ conversion.

A lot of incredible Guest Arts from the Craziest Cultists:

Curtis, reclused cultist in the middle of the Californian desert, built some strange ceramic Idols and sent us some images:

Cultists's Madness is Abysmall: Here come Cthulhoo and Nyarly in "crochet" by Tobias and Urdar, who plan to make more impious Idols...

Guest Art #49 : an Icy Shoggy by Grymas from Poland

Sent by Francisco C. this Collage - made of all green abominations found on the web:

Digg0r from Germany sent me this image with the following comments:

"when I saw this picture in the Net, I thought "Damn, Chtulhoo is alive!" This animal  is called “Star-Nosed Mull”. It got 22 finger-like appendage; no TENTACLES at its nose. They help to find its food. It holds the world record of "fastest Eating", because it eats 15 booty animals (worms, larvae, beetles) in 1 second. This means 16 ms a booty animal. Frightening! Figure that: It would be as largely as a bear and it would live in forests.You jog   -  and suddenly you are scanned, evaluated and devoured in 16mS."

And for some even scarrier underground dwellers, google for the "naked mole rat "(Heterocephalus glaber), the only mammal living like insects (with a breeding queen), and doted of a very lovecraftian look.

Sent by marco xxxxxx: this link has an an hidden cthulhu somewhere... good luck! honnestly I didn'y find it!

Daniel sent a complete skin for the cultists using a Sony-Ericsson W810, that you can preview in this software.

For french readers, an article from "Liberation" (french newspaper) about the "Exposition of Unspeakable Things" in Yverdon, along with a video from the swiss TV sent by Patrick Gyger, who built this show.

11 January 2008

Last strip #248 is not very funny, but will reveal some new critters from the vault: Cthooga and the Fire Vampires, Tsatso on its monolith and the Biakeeee. I'm currently moving to a new flat, so updates may become very erratic for the next few weeks.

A FanStrip from George (aka Agricola): Metal Indus Fans, rejoice!

Sent by Paolo, a very interresting commercial for the next upcoming Lego range.

A "Yum-Yum-Cthulhu" drawing sent by Emily:

For french reader, here's an upcoming movie adaption of the Vault!

The best Cthulhoo Disguise Ever!:

A do-it-yourself Cthulhoo for the little kids (contribution by Nazg)

Cthulhoo meets WoW in this videoclip (sent by Mika)

05 December 2007

I finally have a few minutes to update this Weblog - big update, then. I've worked a lot on the Dragon Hunter movie (check up the french Trailer here), which will feature a lot of very nice images (unfortunately, trailer does not show the best samples in my opinion), but will come to and end in a few days. I will also move to a new flat in january and have some professional trip planned; I hope I'll have time to work for you cultists!

The UVoD Book volume 2 (G.O.Os on the Loose) finally reached its US distributor last week. The book container was simply lost for a few weeks in the middle of the Atlanta port (well, it was the paper with the container number which was really lost). Pegasus, my editor, changed its printer and choosed a company in China (as far as I know). This last episode show that some savings can lead to some dumb situation... The G.O.Os are not very pleased by globalization! I hope the book will be available in Europe by the beggining of 2008. A special page will open on the Pegasus site.

Today's strip #244 directly refers to the upcoming Cloverfield movie, which provoked a lot of internet buzz, thanks to an enigmatic trailer. This monster movie, settled in New York (original choice) was rumored to feature a Cthulhu apparition, as the big monster itself. Well, I don't think it will be the case: a Big rampaging sea-monster is nothing new, and scenarist will find some environementalist explanation for it! Anyway, this may attract a lot of people in the Mythos galaxy (go and see , may be more than the "Cthulhu" movie (without any cyclopan rampaging sea-monster). I've found an image, circulationg on the web:

This may be or may be not a conceptual sketch for the Cloverfield creatures, it's quite impossible to know: Producer JJ.Abrams (who've created the Lost serie) is a specialist in using the web as a massive advertisement weapon.

Last Strip#243 was recognized as "Hentaï-tacle" reference by all the internet-equipped male cultists (please, don't pretend not knowing what we're talking about!). Those japanes animation cartoons feature busty young ladies, shamelessly raped by multi tentacled creatures. This strange erotic (well, pornographic would be more appropriate) tentacle sex figure is a recurring image of the japanese fantasies. There are also Hentaï with strong esoteric references, such as the "Mysteries of the Necronomicon" or "Bible black", the last one featuring very good art (Beware, those links are for 18+). Also check up specialised comic in "Tentacles and the women that love then" such as Ghastly's Ghastly Comic

A word to the the fanatic Cultists that send me a lot of Mythos-related images: From now, I'll will feature in the Guest Art section only pictures directly related to the Vault (featuring one of the characters, or strips in UVoD style). Other mythos pictures will still be displayed in this blog.

This Website should not exist! Though I could not resit, and produce a blasphematory image: for its hall of fame:

Some Horrors in Clay, sent by Ezero:

Alberto sent me a new "Frankie the CacoDemon" strip with some Cthulhu flavor inside. Check it up Here!

The new poster for the upcoming presidential campaign; it was translated and adapted to many countries:

A few more photos from the Essen Game Fair, featuring J.Kovalik and your (lesser) sevitor Here

Some images from the Cyclopean Exhibition of Unspeakbale Things at the "Maison d'ailleurs" in Switzerland can be seen here and here. It seems to be an incredible display of madness; some of my images are also featured here:

For French readers: an interview for the Chopes Vides Forum

Some really crazy cultists built some non-euclidian furnitures directly marked by the Cthulhoo Seal:

I think that's all for today!

05 octobre 2007

Again, strip#238 is a tribute to the Discworld and its biggest mascotte (not big enough, I'm afraid).

About the Pratchett's universe: I've finally watched the Sky One adaptation of Hogfather. Very nice design and a faithfull adaptation, but the movie is a bit too slow; I felt quite disapointed by the overall mood and the acting. Actors are not bad, but the whole engine is lacking some pace. Maybe this was not the best book to adapt. I can't talk too much about it, but there's a new adaptation coming soon on the British television... I hope this will be the good one.

As usual, I will be signing books at the Pegasus booth, for the upcoming Essen Fair in Germany (20-21 octobre). Bad new though, the UvoD Book, volume 2 won't be ready to be sold there - some demo issues will be there, though; I'm quite sad about it, having delivered the final files nearly a years ago. Pegasus had some troubles with its previous printer, and had to find a new one. This is the main reason for this very late schedule. I will do my best to make Pegasus build a good online store.
I will also meet John Kovalic there. Come and visit me!

As you may know, there was once a page for the UVoD webcomic on Wikipedia, which was later deleted for unknown reasons. Thanks to internet magic, I've found the original text, and upgraded it a lot. But the wikipedia etiquette is very clear: it's best to let someone else talking about your works. So, I'm looking for a native-english-speaking cultist, knowing well the wikipedia arcanes, ready to correct, edit, enhance and format this text, before publishing it. I'll be able to furnish all additional material (images and facts). If you're interested and have some spare time, send me an email at goomi -at- macguff.fr.

This blog seems to atract a lot of lovecraftian geeks from around the world. I've been sent this commercial link for Cthulhoïd jewelry. I'm not a great fan of the design but the prices are rather fair (by Badali JS).

About jewelery, I just want to show how much cthulhoo's stars are influencing my life: for my wedding, I've designed a very special tentacled wedding ring for me & my wife, which was crafted by my good friend Patrick (who own the biggest book and comic collection I know, a large part of my "esoteric" culture, for sure).

I've added a few new design in the Unspeakable shop:

Some cultists have asked for more specific design, but I lack time to build them, and I want to apologize for that.I'm currently working to have better quality t-shirts and to have them distributed in North America, with a new partner. I'm sure this we worked out very soon.

Domestic design is now contaminated by eldritch spaws. This strange artefact, engraved with impious images, sent by vdagrain, is now displayed in the Guest art gallery.

10 September 2007

Has...Oooops, The One Who is not to be Named is back in Vault#235. If you don't get the point, this mean that you havent' watch TV for a while, check this for some hints.... To be honest, the idea bhinds the strip is not new - I remember some forum discussions about the strange icon and the possibility of an extradimensionnal manipulation. More seriously, though there's not much information about its true physical form, here's my very own graphical interpretation of the Unspeakable One, made recently (click to enlarge):

 I also fixed some numerotation issues on the previous Vaults.

The Wikipedia Page for the UVoD was erased because it does not assert significance (Thanks to the cultists that gave me the infos about it). I suppose this means the page must be rewritten with a better encyclopedic flavor. I put this on the top of my "to-do" list, though it would be sooo bad to work on my own subject (as said on this joy of tech page).

Arcadetxu created a downloadable UVoD Mod for your Nintendo DS: customize your double screen with Cthulhoo and pals:

Jackub from Q-Workshop informed me about their new special Call of Cthulhu Dice, created in collaboration with Chaosium:

nice design but high prices... only for very zealous culists!!!

24 February 2008

Huge Update today:

Today's Strip #252 is rather "easy", but was needed to update - finally - this weblog.

Even if this weblog was Dead but Dreaming, I've added a few strips the last weeks:

Strips#251, another invocation, Strip#250, about one of my favorite Super Hero (not the pitifull movie version, of course) and Strip#249 especially for physicists.

I finally moved to my new place, and hope to be able to update the vault more often by now. Many cultists wrote to me since the beggining of the year, and I haven't be able to answer correctly to all those mails - to display guest art, for example. I just want to apologize, and promise to put eveything in the front of the world as soon as possible!

Based on Strip#246, I've build a bookshelf wallpaper (tileable) for a cultist; Here it is, given for your personnal use!:

I've added a new visual for Tshirts: The-One-Not-To-Named:

And I've been talking from the guys of Comboutique, they are shipping to the USA and Canada.
But I'm currently working with Steve Jackson Game to sell Tshirts directly in America, it will be better for Shipping Fares and Euro/$ conversion.

A lot of incredible Guest Arts from the Craziest Cultists:

Curtis, reclused cultist in the middle of the Californian desert, built some strange ceramic Idols and sent us some images:

Cultists's Madness is Abysmall: Here come Cthulhoo and Nyarly in "crochet" by Tobias and Urdar, who plan to make more impious Idols...

Guest Art #49 : an Icy Shoggy by Grymas from Poland

Sent by Francisco C. this Collage - made of all green abominations found on the web:

Digg0r from Germany sent me this image with the following comments:

"when I saw this picture in the Net, I thought "Damn, Chtulhoo is alive!" This animal  is called “Star-Nosed Mull”. It got 22 finger-like appendage; no TENTACLES at its nose. They help to find its food. It holds the world record of "fastest Eating", because it eats 15 booty animals (worms, larvae, beetles) in 1 second. This means 16 ms a booty animal. Frightening! Figure that: It would be as largely as a bear and it would live in forests.You jog   -  and suddenly you are scanned, evaluated and devoured in 16mS."

And for some even scarrier underground dwellers, google for the "naked mole rat "(Heterocephalus glaber), the only mammal living like insects (with a breeding queen), and doted of a very lovecraftian look.

Sent by marco xxxxxx: this link has an an hidden cthulhu somewhere... good luck! honnestly I didn'y find it!

Daniel sent a complete skin for the cultists using a Sony-Ericsson W810, that you can preview in this software.

For french readers, an article from "Liberation" (french newspaper) about the "Exposition of Unspeakable Things" in Yverdon, along with a video from the swiss TV sent by Patrick Gyger, who built this show.

11 January 2008

Last strip #248 is not very funny, but will reveal some new critters from the vault: Cthooga and the Fire Vampires, Tsatso on its monolith and the Biakeeee. I'm currently moving to a new flat, so updates may become very erratic for the next few weeks.

A FanStrip from George (aka Agricola): Metal Indus Fans, rejoice!

Sent by Paolo, a very interresting commercial for the next upcoming Lego range.

A "Yum-Yum-Cthulhu" drawing sent by Emily:

For french reader, here's an upcoming movie adaption of the Vault!

The best Cthulhoo Disguise Ever!:

A do-it-yourself Cthulhoo for the little kids (contribution by Nazg)

Cthulhoo meets WoW in this videoclip (sent by Mika)

05 December 2007

I finally have a few minutes to update this Weblog - big update, then. I've worked a lot on the Dragon Hunter movie (check up the french Trailer here), which will feature a lot of very nice images (unfortunately, trailer does not show the best samples in my opinion), but will come to and end in a few days. I will also move to a new flat in january and have some professional trip planned; I hope I'll have time to work for you cultists!

The UVoD Book volume 2 (G.O.Os on the Loose) finally reached its US distributor last week. The book container was simply lost for a few weeks in the middle of the Atlanta port (well, it was the paper with the container number which was really lost). Pegasus, my editor, changed its printer and choosed a company in China (as far as I know). This last episode show that some savings can lead to some dumb situation... The G.O.Os are not very pleased by globalization! I hope the book will be available in Europe by the beggining of 2008. A special page will open on the Pegasus site.

Today's strip #244 directly refers to the upcoming Cloverfield movie, which provoked a lot of internet buzz, thanks to an enigmatic trailer. This monster movie, settled in New York (original choice) was rumored to feature a Cthulhu apparition, as the big monster itself. Well, I don't think it will be the case: a Big rampaging sea-monster is nothing new, and scenarist will find some environementalist explanation for it! Anyway, this may attract a lot of people in the Mythos galaxy (go and see , may be more than the "Cthulhu" movie (without any cyclopan rampaging sea-monster). I've found an image, circulationg on the web:

This may be or may be not a conceptual sketch for the Cloverfield creatures, it's quite impossible to know: Producer JJ.Abrams (who've created the Lost serie) is a specialist in using the web as a massive advertisement weapon.

Last Strip#243 was recognized as "Hentaï-tacle" reference by all the internet-equipped male cultists (please, don't pretend not knowing what we're talking about!). Those japanes animation cartoons feature busty young ladies, shamelessly raped by multi tentacled creatures. This strange erotic (well, pornographic would be more appropriate) tentacle sex figure is a recurring image of the japanese fantasies. There are also Hentaï with strong esoteric references, such as the "Mysteries of the Necronomicon" or "Bible black", the last one featuring very good art (Beware, those links are for 18+). Also check up specialised comic in "Tentacles and the women that love then" such as Ghastly's Ghastly Comic

A word to the the fanatic Cultists that send me a lot of Mythos-related images: From now, I'll will feature in the Guest Art section only pictures directly related to the Vault (featuring one of the characters, or strips in UVoD style). Other mythos pictures will still be displayed in this blog.

This Website should not exist! Though I could not resit, and produce a blasphematory image: for its hall of fame:

Some Horrors in Clay, sent by Ezero:

Alberto sent me a new "Frankie the CacoDemon" strip with some Cthulhu flavor inside. Check it up Here!

The new poster for the upcoming presidential campaign; it was translated and adapted to many countries:

A few more photos from the Essen Game Fair, featuring J.Kovalik and your (lesser) sevitor Here

Some images from the Cyclopean Exhibition of Unspeakbale Things at the "Maison d'ailleurs" in Switzerland can be seen here and here. It seems to be an incredible display of madness; some of my images are also featured here:

For French readers: an interview for the Chopes Vides Forum

Some really crazy cultists built some non-euclidian furnitures directly marked by the Cthulhoo Seal:

I think that's all for today!

05 octobre 2007

Again, strip#238 is a tribute to the Discworld and its biggest mascotte (not big enough, I'm afraid).

About the Pratchett's universe: I've finally watched the Sky One adaptation of Hogfather. Very nice design and a faithfull adaptation, but the movie is a bit too slow; I felt quite disapointed by the overall mood and the acting. Actors are not bad, but the whole engine is lacking some pace. Maybe this was not the best book to adapt. I can't talk too much about it, but there's a new adaptation coming soon on the British television... I hope this will be the good one.

As usual, I will be signing books at the Pegasus booth, for the upcoming Essen Fair in Germany (20-21 octobre). Bad new though, the UvoD Book, volume 2 won't be ready to be sold there - some demo issues will be there, though; I'm quite sad about it, having delivered the final files nearly a years ago. Pegasus had some troubles with its previous printer, and had to find a new one. This is the main reason for this very late schedule. I will do my best to make Pegasus build a good online store.
I will also meet John Kovalic there. Come and visit me!

As you may know, there was once a page for the UVoD webcomic on Wikipedia, which was later deleted for unknown reasons. Thanks to internet magic, I've found the original text, and upgraded it a lot. But the wikipedia etiquette is very clear: it's best to let someone else talking about your works. So, I'm looking for a native-english-speaking cultist, knowing well the wikipedia arcanes, ready to correct, edit, enhance and format this text, before publishing it. I'll be able to furnish all additional material (images and facts). If you're interested and have some spare time, send me an email at goomi -at- macguff.fr.

This blog seems to atract a lot of lovecraftian geeks from around the world. I've been sent this commercial link for Cthulhoïd jewelry. I'm not a great fan of the design but the prices are rather fair (by Badali JS).

About jewelery, I just want to show how much cthulhoo's stars are influencing my life: for my wedding, I've designed a very special tentacled wedding ring for me & my wife, which was crafted by my good friend Patrick (who own the biggest book and comic collection I know, a large part of my "esoteric" culture, for sure).

I've added a few new design in the Unspeakable shop:

Some cultists have asked for more specific design, but I lack time to build them, and I want to apologize for that.I'm currently working to have better quality t-shirts and to have them distributed in North America, with a new partner. I'm sure this we worked out very soon.

Domestic design is now contaminated by eldritch spaws. This strange artefact, engraved with impious images, sent by vdagrain, is now displayed in the Guest art gallery.

10 September 2007

Has...Oooops, The One Who is not to be Named is back in Vault#235. If you don't get the point, this mean that you havent' watch TV for a while, check this for some hints.... To be honest, the idea bhinds the strip is not new - I remember some forum discussions about the strange icon and the possibility of an extradimensionnal manipulation. More seriously, though there's not much information about its true physical form, here's my very own graphical interpretation of the Unspeakable One, made recently (click to enlarge):

 I also fixed some numerotation issues on the previous Vaults.

The Wikipedia Page for the UVoD was erased because it does not assert significance (Thanks to the cultists that gave me the infos about it). I suppose this means the page must be rewritten with a better encyclopedic flavor. I put this on the top of my "to-do" list, though it would be sooo bad to work on my own subject (as said on this joy of tech page).

Arcadetxu created a downloadable UVoD Mod for your Nintendo DS: customize your double screen with Cthulhoo and pals:

Jackub from Q-Workshop informed me about their new special Call of Cthulhu Dice, created in collaboration with Chaosium:

nice design but high prices... only for very zealous culists!!!

6 Septembre 2007

After the ridiculous Vault#233,a new god just arrived in Vault #234. Ok, He, Hast...Oooops, The Unspeakable One, The King in Yellow, already made a small apparition in the UVoD Book Volume 1, but now deserves a few new strips. He is a complex deity, first appearing in a short story by Ambrose Bierce, and later become a full character in the Rober.W.Chambers' works. HPL only used its name once, but it became a full part of the Mythos Pantheon under Derleth's quill...

Lazarus sent this doom-flavored strip with some mythos spices inside.

Now, a few links sent by cultists:

A nice surrealist & Cthuloïd Statue visible here (link sent by CTH)

Ghouls, vampires, aliens and... Cthulhu in the Zzombi comic site

A weird vision of Cthulhu, sent by Patrick HB.

A Question for you, Wise Cultists: a Wikipedia Page for the UVoD once existed, but it's now deleted. Does anyone have any hints about it?

8 August 2007

An update At Last! Sorry for the delay, cultists! I've a lot of mail to treat and many stuff to fix. Things are accelerating, and sleep is becoming something rare, as expected. New strip #230 shows Nyarly's new (and easy) way of spreading chaos.
I'm also working on some (secret) side projects, and I will introduce soon a few new fellows in the Vault!

Some New Guest Art:

Blank Paper can drive to madness, too: Check this Cthulhu Origami (links sent by You and Francky)

and the method here and here for the bored cultists...

Some screen captures of an Ubuntu Cthulhoo theme by I.Ramirez

A new contribution from Dreadlord, the logo of the Upcoming Sochi (Russia) 2014 Winter Games. With Poutine supporting the Event, we can expect some cyclopean guests:

And I also corrected a link to a Russian Translation, may be the quickest cultists on earth for translating the new strips!

7 July 2007

I haven't updated the Vault for a while, because of the Arrival of the small Deepoine Manon (niknamed "poulpette" - which can be roughly translated as "squiddy"): the official announcement photography shows some inflence from the tenebrous sea:

I'm just afraid that updating the vault might become very chaotic by now...

New Strip #228, directly related to the opening of an online shop , in order to sell Mythical Teeshirts... Go directly to the new shop page for all the informations. As said there, the shop doesn't send items to America. So, I'm looking for a similar website able to send stuff to USA and Canada. Contact me if you know such a shop, thanks.

I hope I'll be able to sell the Vault Books on this page very soon.

Very cute Vaulty Figurines, made by Anna and now featured in the Guest Art pages (homepage here):

Another tribute to cthulhoo can be seen here at DevianArt by Eddy:

"Doc", faithfull cultist, sent me the proof of the existence of 'Zathot... err, of a big black hole in the center of the galaxy here.
The movie show the movement of the stars, from 1992 to 2002, and shows a huge invisible gravitational attractor, named Sagittarius-A. All details can be read at the ESO (European Organisation for Astronomical research in the Souther Hemisphere) website

13 June 2007

The New Strip #226 refers to a very curious "internet-meme", the LolCats. for the one that have no idea of what we're talking about (Ur Kidding?) just check this from the beggining, or read this for a more scientific approach.

Great news for Webcomic fans, one of the Oldest and most Reverred Collection of RPG related strips, John Kovalic's Dork Tower is featuring a special cross-over with his usual crew and .. guess who???

Also look up for the frozen Cthulhoo hidden here!

Edhoover from renderosity.com pointed me one of his last 3D strip featuring Great Cthulhu:

02 June 2007

IThe New Strip #225 will drag you directly into the Vortex, thanks to the Poe-HPL combo...

I finally watched the "Collect Call of Cthulhu" Real Ghostbusters Episode on youtube (after reading a lot about it in forums). Beyond its inherent flaws (cheap 90's animation, Scooby-Doo-like ending and the fact that Cthulhu himself is red ...), this is the closest thing to the archetypal Call of Cthulhu game cession I've ever seen on TV -- there's even a Shoggoth!

A new unofficial translation of the Vault is available, now in Italian, at Pazuzu.it

New guest Arts available, sent by Ezer0:

24 May 2007

I knew Frank Miller's 300 long before its movie adaptation. Now, Internet is invaded by the "This is Sparthaaa!" meme... Here comes my contribution in the Strip # 224

A nice spanish webzine about HPL: Nueva Logia del Tentáculo (New Lodge of Tentacles) release its #2 issue

17 May 2007

New Strip #223 from the (eternaly) upcoming volume 2 - normally scheduled for July. Let's pray the Stars...

A spanish cultist opened an unofficial translation of the UVoD here: El Sotano (Del Horror) Innombrable

Another thing, now: for you, cultists, a few pages of the necronomicon, lately made by myself... My website has not been updated for eons, and need a complete rebuild; Meanwhile, I will show here some more "serious" creation sometime; For the 70th anniversary of HPL's death, there will be some surprises for the ones who like my art...

Beware, reading of this may be quite dangerous:


12 May 2007

New Strip #222

Strip #221 was a new episode in the epic war between Superheroes and the Mythos...

New transparent gif icons, freely usable (use save Image as):

all gif avatars are now downloadable on the Link page

Sent by Joni Hyttinen, from Finland, the proof that IKEA is infiltrated by some Cultists that corrupted the latest furniture catalog:

Uutuus! = New!
Veikeä mustekala = Cute Squid (or octopus)
Pehmoeläin = stuffed toy

A Moving Hardrock Cthulhoo GIF by Gavin Bourchier:

And a few disturbing images found on the web...

For french Readers: France Inter will present a radio broadcast about HPL's life on may 20th. More info here

Now, some advertisement here for the works of Dominique Signoret, who's been illustrating HPL's universe for Years. Things like this can be seen as some obscure origins of Cthulhoo himself, even if I read it after drawing my first strips...

And to finish, a link sent by Luc H. a possible crossover between the Tiny Sepuku webcomic and the Vault?

that's all for today, folks!

25 Apr. 2007

The "Superheroes Vs Mythos" serie continues in the new strip #220.

I've made some "pixel" icons for using on forums or on you website - this time with decent transparency on dark and light backgrounds (use "save image as"):

I've been sent those nice image of Cthuloïd Amulets by Alexey:

"Here's something I though you might like - a Russian author has
decided to begin producing a sort of Lovecraftian amulet or charm featuring
Cthulhu and a mirrored Mage's Star. The item is sometimes called
"Honorable Medal of the R'lyeh defenders" or "Cthulhu Ritual Amulet".
Guess it is a must-have for a decent Cultist.
Really, Russia is the most Mythos-inspired country!"

I haven't played it yet, so can't talk much about it, but there's a Lovecraftian MMORPG on the web called Cthulhu Nation - forget about the shiny-WoW_like 3D graphic, CN is based on old-fashioned, isometric look with a nice vintage atmosphere:

17 Apr. 2007 - A Small Update

I forgot some stuff in the last post; here they are:

Michał "EdgeCrusher" Popielnicki sent me a neat Cthulhoo-dance flash animation, visible here!

Jens Markus sent me his Ubuntu Desktop:

For French Readers: Jerome P. Vincent, from www.actusf.com asked me spread the word among the cultist about the Roland C.Wagner's latest book, an imaginary biograph of HP.Lovecraft. Wagner is a well known Si-fi/ novellist, and in this books supposed that HPL died at 101... What happened after 1937 is in the book: http://www.actusf.com/SF/articles/HPL.htm

cover by caza

And now two logos done for the TOC Team:

16 Apr. 2007

At last, an Update...

I'm back for a nice trip in Belize, a small country, between Mexico and Guatemala: Excelent diving (big fishes, abundance of Rays and shark, and curiously, not-so-much crowded spots), a beautiful, still-preserved tropical forest full of jaguars, anteaters, tarantulas and colorfull birds (in the dry season, insects were quite discrete), famous Mayans ruins and very nice people - some photos soon!

But updating the Vault is currently a bit chaotic, as I was catapulted in the middle of a feature movie, "Dragon hunters" as a "décor" supervisor; Check up Guillaume Ivernel (one of the director) 's website, in the Design section. So, I'm quite busy; hopping this will get clearer in a few week... Cthulhoo can wait (but not the Cultists)

New strip today: Strip #219 - I'm currently drawing a "superhero" series, this is one of the first strip.

Last strip (#218) is my personnal tribute to a fabulous undersea creature, the sea cucumber. Ugly for some, it's a very useful scavenger, cleaning the sands all over tropical seas. Sadly, it is heavily fished by the asian fleet, and is facing extiction in some areas.

I recieved a lot of translations for the russian page I mentionned in the las update (thanks to all the cyrilic-reader cultists!): It's a variation of the little red hood story:

I means: "Cthulhu Inside", followed but the dialog:
Cultist: Why do you have such strong hands and so small wings, o
the great one?

Cthulhu: To hold my breakfast tight, my small cultist!
Cultist: But why do you need so huge tummy and so tough butt, o...
Cthulhu: I am freaking sick of your questions! Time for lunch, my
small cultist!!!

A new unoficial Translation site: The UVoD in Spanish here!

The mythos is invadingcontemporary art universe! During the fourth berlin biennal, Canadian artist Steven Shearer presented a huge panel marked with, well, strange and unholy words:

New Guest Art from poland by Jackub:

New Guest Art from Russia by Vertigo:

New Guest Art by Lepinkainen:

A smocking (and blurry) smocking Cthulhu sent by Arolternell:

and a new Ascii art found somewhere on the east-web:

That's all for tonight, folks!

02 Mar. 2007

The Vault is Frozen as said in Strip #216, as I'm taking a break to go visiting a small Central-American country... Belizian Mayan ruins, Tarantulas and Blue holes diving: I shall come back with a lot of new strips in a month.

Some comments about past strips:

Strip #214 is again an easy tribute to Terry Prattchet's Discworld, and to 2 beloved characters: Rincewind and Death (Male and speaking in small caps, of course). About this, I just discovered that a TV adaptation of Hoggfather, Pratchett's variation around the Christmas mythos was released last year. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm happy to see that this interesting author starts to interest the world, after a few weak Discworld cartoons. There are also rumors about an adaptation of Pratchett"s 29th tome of the Discworlds annals (The Wee free Men) by Sam Raimi... hoping it's true!

Strip #215 or a day on Cthulhoo's Earth... Well, a few hour after uploading the image, a mad Cultist send me a mail to say that the coordinates indicated on the stip lead to East China, unstead of South Pacific - what would I expect? I've used the datas furnished on the Call of Cthulhu story, which are not as precise as nowdays devices, and omiting the "W" for west... It's corrected now and datas lead to an low-defined area where R'lyeh migh lay. While looking for infos, I stumbled upon something quite weird that may lead to a new strip soon.

You all may know about the largest Colossal Squid ever caught (about 450 kg of teeth and tentacles):

more in this article

...and now, some moving pictures of anotther big cephalopod, Taningia danae, shot by a Japanese crew - the specimen is a small one (azbout 2 meters)... Are the fishing industries looking for some new ressources?

A nice 3D statue - I like the small green butt - of a more serious Cthulhu by a russian cultist. If someone can translate the dialog...

The Book of Alternative Dead Names: Name speaks for itself - If Aforemagon invites you for dinner, don't feel suprised by the colored bubbles welcoming you...

19 Feb. 2007

Strip #214, or let's meet the Shantaks from outer space!

A small but worthy guest Art sent by G.Mahashvili from russia, a small cute Cthulhu-Valentine Gif:

A disturbing image, along with this laconic sentence: "this is a proof, that Gods appears during the exams of the discrete mathematics", sent by Mr_C!

22 Apr. 2006

A very special strip only for the Cultists that were at the last Cthulhu German Convention near Frankfurt...

Guys & Girls, you know who you are! Thanks for all...

15 Apr. 2006

New Strip #164 Again Some clues about the Human/Yogzotot cross-breeding... may be a prequel for the Strip #124

While browsing through websites/weblogs, I found some comments about the UVoD: it seems that some people find the strips rather repetitive (that's the risk when showing your work to the whole world); Well, having been a big reader of HPL and his followers, I must say that sometimes "repetitive" was also an adjective that could qualify the Mythos stories, overall with the less gifted writers... I just hope that the next volume will feature enough new heroes and gods to content all the readers.

I just saw "Dreams in the Whitch-House", a short movie designed for TV (as a part of the "Master of Horror" mini-serie, composed of 13 short films made by the best horror-director, such as Carpenter, Argento or Hooper). "Dreams in the Whitch-House" was directed by one of the most active cultist in the movie world, Stuart Gordon, who mad "Re-animator", "From Beyond" or latelt "Dagon" . This time, this is a quite faithfull adaptation (when his other films took some freedom with the original works) of the HPL's shot stories, only adding a small touch of modernism. The tension is palpable, and many details (the Miskatonic University tee-shirt, the physic books, the geometrical "abberation") will ravish all the Vault readers. Well, the "action" sequence and the end are not the best parts of the movie, and the SFX are not what I could expect from such a luxury serie, but this is still for me the best adaptation of an HPL's work.

15 Apr. 2006

New Strip #163 Again some variation on my fascination (and yet my huge lack of knowledge) about the true reality of our material world.... Talking about that, I've just found a scientific "paper" named Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics (Bell J. S.- CUP, 1987). Yes, that's a true, serious job. Ok, I don't get a word of it, but the title was so... appealing!!!

I'm happy to announce an unofficial Russian Translation of the Vault, nicely done by Ghennady, and that can be found here

This Russian Cultist also made some nice animated gifs:

Just found this new french webcomic/blog, about role playing: La Taverne... nothing really new, but nicely drawn, and funny short stories about a bunch of aventurer crawling into gloomy dungeons...

On the same mood, here's another webcomic (also in french), les D&Dés, wich show the future of current roleplayers in 2040, in a retirement house... Drawing is a bit loosy, but ideas are rather cool (didn't you think about the time needed for a parkinsonian to roll a dice...)

10 Apr. 2006

New Strip #162 A New Strip introducing the poor Erich Zann... and I'm afraid he'll be recurent!

I'm just back from the German Cthulhu Convention 2006, a strange meeting in an old castle, lost in a dark forest, in the heart of the mysterious teutonic countryside! Well, an excellent, funny and interesting meeting with a lot of cultists; giant bretzels and legions of beer bottles! Some links as soon as some photos are put on the web...

New Guest Art #13 Sent by the Mad Physicist Klayman: will Palpatine meet someone with more (brute) Force?

05 Apr. 2006

New Strip #161 Only Role Players will get this one!

A few cultists ask me to use the Cthulhoo Through the Age Avatars. I've added iconised versions on the Link pages.

All images from this site are usable for personnal or associative purposes.

20 Mar. 2006

New Strip #158 Return of the shoggies...

New Guest Art contributed by Simon W. and his girl friend Marine:

12 Mar. 2006

New Strip #157 featuring the Sultan of Demons his risky invocations...

Something very weird to be read here...

Another cool guest Art by Chris Schlicht:

About the new adress I gave by mistake last week for the UVoD site, forget about it... you can still use your bookmarks.

6 Mar. 2006

Hello Cultists! Back alive from my Trip under the African Sun, in Tanzania. Well, I can't say it was an easy trip: the gorgeous Nature of the Wild colliding with the hard reality of one of the poorest country in the world... Anyway, the landscape of the Ngorogoro Crater is an unspeakable vision!

I'm working for the 2d tome of the UVoD... New strips will feature two governemental agents fighting the mythos for a mysterious organisation, a couple of gentlemen visiting the dreamlands, a dark pharaho deseperatly trying to have a decent pyramid built, a mad violin player lock in a poor room and many other dumb characters, known or new.

I've moved to an new server. My company, who allow me to use some megas for thos unspeakable scriptures, have (at last) a new (and decent) website and move to a single server. This may lead to some problems
To avoid any problem, you 'd better use "http://www.goominet.com/unspeakable" - the redirection is then automatic. But old adress is sill fully working, thanks to Dark Master Bruno-M.

My Last strip (#155) was (again) badly written, done very quickly before my departure... Thanks to Bob for his help!

Strip #156 shows the dark side of hollywood...

Another Guest Tekumel-Art sent by Brad., featuring the terrible God zuuloh'zathafnttaggar:

And a special variation gallery around the Cthulhoo avatar by Grzegorz Kusnierz:

26 Jan. 2006

As said on the main page, I'm leaving cold Europe for a month in Tanzania. A lot of big beast to be seen there. I'm not sure to be able to update the Vault. Rendez vous by the beggining of march!

Good news for spanish reader. it seems that the process to edit the book version of the UVoD has started again. More news asap!

New guest art by Bas Huizinga

23 Jan. 2006

New "Rats in the Wall" Strip #154

I just discovered a Demonic Webcomic called Belphegor ... Private stories from Hell and adventures of Belphegor, a very mediocre Demon. There's even a shoggoth hidden there. Ironic humor , good violence and nice art.

14 Jan. 2006

New #153 Strip

You have no idea for a gift for your prefered wife/girlfriend/shoggy... Unstead of the classic Cthulhoo Plush, why don't you go for a super Lovecraftian Jewel? Very nice artwork. check up the whole collection at http://www.tekeli-li.com/

29 Dec. 2005:

Added Strip #149

New Guest Arts from Morgan Fraslin, Xar and CopNo and an animated gif realised by fans! Thanks for that, cultists!

24 Dec. 2005:

Merry Xmas to you all cultists, and a special Strip #148

21 Dec. 2005:

new Strip #147

A nice crossover cartoon visible here. Choose wisely....

Recently, scientists took pictures of a giant squid, a creature only know through dead specimens... Jules vernes and H.P.Lovecraft were both right...

16 Dec. 2005:

new Strip #146

I was kindly noticed that the PC version of the CoC game "Dark corner of the earth" (Strip #144) is not canceled, only delayed. Check the game website

A very very weird cthuloid item here...

For french reader only, some cthuloid crazy songs: cthul'Attitude

8 Dec. 2005:

3D cthulian madness: Strip #144

New Guest Art Images by Morgan Fraslin - 3D rendered, "ambient occlusion" style... as a 3D graphist, I do appreciate...

4 Dec. 2005:

Underwater Strip #143

Christmas is close... Here comes a new "green and red" inspired Guest Art image by Living Dead Girl.

A nice invocation featured here. Dig the site to find other "gore" comics! nasty and furiously inked by some metal fanatic...

30 Nov. 2005:

Vault #142, an audacious crossover between the Mythos and the old classic witchcraft...

A new Guest Art image from a fellow illustrator from Pegasus:

In the Vault #141 Katarzyn, a clever cultist, remarked that: " ...the sign of star-with-an-eye-or-something belongs & refers to the Elder Gods ---not the Great Old Ones --- and that Old Ones (Cthulhu, for exemple) are afraid of it. And wouldn't paint it. Yes, even Cthulhu. Yes, he's stuid, but not _that_ stupid...". This may be true on earth but on the GOO dimension, I'm sure it's not a problem... and it's so badly painted that it can't be very dangerous.
More seriously, yes, the Vault is full of mistakes - voluntary or not - see vault #02. I never pretented to be a specialist of HPL's works, only a modest fan with some references.

Ornery Boy, the Flash Webcomic full of Zombies and angry dirtygirls goes cute-thulu! Read from the comic #201 to get the whole thing...

14 Nov. 2005:

Vault #138 presented a bad "syntax error". It is now corrected, thanks to Bob F., a quick and attentive cultist.

I was sent this funny link by an other friendly cultist - CoC jokes inside... All rpg player should check also the main jokes page

11 Nov. 2005:

I've added a mail adress to the home page, easy to find.

Nodwick - the AD&D webcomic by the FFN author, goes Cthulhu!!!

10 Nov. 2005:

After yesterday's strip Vault #136 I've added a nice cthulhoo figurine to the Guest Art Gallery.

Look for some Nameless Dread here...

5 Nov. 2005:

Today's strip Vault #135 is a direct reference to the french nuclear test of 1995, at Mururoa, Pacific, ordonned by current french Président, J.Chirac... Sad birthday for unspeakable decision by a very vicious Old One...

FLEM comic had recently presented excellent comics about LOST, the TV serie (here) or even the (invisible) leader of the Sisters of Mercy

1 Nov. 2005:

Vault #134 continues the half-deepoines serie (check Vault #65)

I've done a Guest Art strip for the Joven Lovecraft website, visible here:You should read all the JL comic to get all the stuff... I hope an english translation will be ready soon. I know spanish but many cultists won't be able to understand the story...

Here comes a polish translation of the vault. One strip will be added each weeks. A new door opens to corrupt Cultists from the East...

I got some remarks about the english mistakes in the Vault #132.This one was corrected for the book but I forgot to correct the web version . It's now corrected. Dear cultists, feel free to send me a mail if you notice such mistakes.

27 Oct. 2005:

Verry bad taste for strip #133.

A well designed webcomic for rock, sex and zombies lovers: orneryboy
An other video-games related webcomic, full of incisive humor: My Extra Life

23 Oct. 2005:

I want to thanks all the UVoD fans I met in Essen and in Paris last Week End. Great Cthulhoo will eat you First and Quick (With Onion rings). Thanks also to the Pegasus Team - may the Chain Mail Bikini Horror let you sleep at night! I have discussed about a potential second paper volume of the Vault with the great ceremony Masters of Pegasus... Now it's up to me to find time to write enough strips....

I removed the "News" Sections - I was tired of updating it and it was a bit redundant with the archives and the weblog. I will try to update this Weblog with the new strips too. Check the Vault #132, my personnal tribute to the CSI tv serie. To replace the News section, I've added a Guest Art page, where I will display fan art from the Cultists all around the world. Send me your submission! First art is coming from a cultist from Tekumel, a strange fantasy world with very interesting gods.

The Temple of Dagon - a HPL related website where I have some art displayed - has a new look. Check it up!

For Lovecraftian Music, you have to visit The Unquiet Void

20 Oct. 2005 Sorry for the endless loop in strip #130 and thanks to Cultist Enric for its awarness...

For French readers, I'd be present on the "Monde du jeu" Wenesday 14th at the TOC stand

And for German Cultists, I'll be at the Essen Game Fair, on the Pegasus Booth Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th.

23 Sept. 2005

Rush is finished, and Ghost Train too. I'm currently finishing some new strips, and will introduce a future star of the vault, Mad Abdul! I hope updating will be more regular.

9 Sept. 2005

Sorry to leave you hanging for so long, again I'm on a rush at my job... must be cleared next week!

19 August 2005

Here comes a graphic illustrating the origin of the last month traffic for the UVoD

I'm happy to see that people from the Eastern Europe, and over all people from Poland -really good cultists, as far as I know- are more and more numerous to visit the Vault (hungarians are also very active - 3 people asked me to make an unofficial hungarian translation!)

29 July 2005

A few worth reading links: Commissioned: a cool webcomic about a bunch of young role-players, with a main caracter loving to draw portraits of caricatural heroes... very refreshing, reminds me my role playing begginings.

An other one: Way of the Geek ...RPG+ninjas+computer games+starwars+boiled coffee, all what you love, dudes... a bit short, though....

24 July 2005

Sometimes you find things like this:

If you are the author of the "cthulhoo" magic card, please contact me, thanks.

I love worshipping cultists!

08 July 2005

I received a few mails complaining about the lack of update. I'm currently finishing 75 illustrations for Pegasus, for a table game named "Ghost Train" (published in Germany - check http://www.pegasus.de ), featuring some creatures from the classic litterature (such as Dracula, the Mummy...) and even some writers, such as our beloved gentleman from Providence...

so, this is taking me all my time. I plan to finish by next week, and hope to be able to update the UVoD more often, and overall, finish a lot of new strips that are still on a sketch form.

A very nice cartoon for all the Role-Players: Full Frontal Nerdity

09 June 2005

After a nightmare month at my office, I'm taking a few days off. The Vault will be back after June 20th. Enjoy the camping Nights!

23 April 2005

At last, a few minutes to update this weblog.

*Cultists are aware! Even my editors missed this one (and so it is now printed..): there was a 'fhtagn' misspelled in the Easter strip! Thanx to philodox, someone who will not be eaten so easily.

*Cultists love(d) the Pope... there was a complain (along with a good strip idea... how strange) about the infamous strip#14 (which is one of the most consulted of the site), a few days ago - you could imagine why. No comment and no removal. Cthulhoo love catholic cultists, too... Yum Yum!

*A new lovecraftian webcomic, about the Providence Master himself: El Joven Lovecraft. (Young lovecraft). It is currently written in Spanish and Catalan, an English version may come soon.UVod is even mentionned somewere there...

*For french reader only, a very funny comic weblog, updated daily: Frantico's Weblog

03 Mar. 2005

for the 100th issue of the UVoD, I choosed a big strip from the UVoD book, featuring a BIG god...

23 Fev. 2005

I realised (I was told by attentive cultists would be more accurate!) that I showed a representation of 'Zathoth, the mindless boss of the GOOs, but I hadn't presented Him before! Not all readers of the Vault have read the book version (where 'Zathoth is a real -star-)...

5 Jan. 2005

Happy New Year, Cultists! Here comes the Great Cthulhoo Year... We wait for the Movie by Guillermo Del Toro (Please, let Hellboy in the comics...), the Video Game and, may be, a successful invocation!

23 Dec. 2004

It's christmas time, and two new strips for you, cultist!!!

Penny Arcade - the acclaimed webcomic for geeks and gamers - goes Cthulhu! As I try to avoid installing and playing video games - for the sake of my social life - their strips are often a bit occult, but I often come here to learn about typical youngsters' behaviour... Nice graphics and good humour - when I can get it...

12 Dec. 2004

I want to thanks all the Vault cultists that kindly write me to signal my horrible english mistakes... My 'official' translator is currently too busy to check the comics, and some basic errors are left on the published comics... and you know, syntax errors can have disastrous effects...

Some photos from the Guyanese jungle - this is a simple page, a complete website should come soon:

6 Dec. 2004

I'm now back, having avoided snake bites, guyanese cultists and Rhum addiction... more details and photos soon. Sorry for the "conserved" mistake (unstead of "preserved") on the previous image- but my underground translator is currently very busy... thanks to those who corrected me.

Unofficially, I proudly announce two upcoming translations of the UVoD book coming soon: a french one, done under my supervision, and a spanish one, done by Pegasium. Nothing has really started yet, but I'll post news as soon as I know more.

4 Nov. 2004

I'm leaving Europe for a month, to treck into the deepest amazonian jungles of French Guyana, in quest of unspeakable spawn of Atlach Nacha, impious pagan cults and strong Rhum for heavy sanity Loss! I'll be back by the beginning of December, but meanwhile, the Vault willl be Frozen! Don't worry, I'll carry back some good and fresh Ideas from the Tropics...

31 Oct. 2004

A perfect surreal and full of black humour webcomic: The Perry Bible Fellowship

23 Oct. 2004

The books finally arrived last week in Europe... I received some copies last week end ans sold them at the "Monde du Jeu" at the T.O.C. team booth. I'd be at the Essen Game Show at the Pegasus Booth this week end.

I just discovered this excellent, hillarious and caustic webcomic: www.sexylosers.com
For mature and not-easily-shocked audience! Sex - on all its forms - inside!

17 Sept.2004

Some bad news from Pegasus: due to an obscure issue with the Canadian Printer, the UVoD book is delayed for a few days... By now, I haven't been able to see it by myself... But good news for Geman Cultist, I'll be signing book at Pegasus booth at the Essen Game Show (24 October).

2 Sept.2004

2 new strips on the same page today! how generous!

I'm still waiting to check UVoD Book. The French book is taking shape, I've got a translator (ironicaly, as french, I'm writting the strips directly in english, and need a professional writer to translate them... English is more adapted for this kind of direct humour. Johan Scipion should be in charge of it...)

An unofficial french version of some strips is available here thanks to Damien Lepeillet, the rabbit master.

15 August .2004

After 15 days in an other dimension, I'm back and now will have some time to update the UVoD more often (at least I hope so...). The "Welcome to the Vault' book was sent to the printer by the end of july, and I waiting for news about it. I know that Pegasus was hoping to output it for GenCon but I don't know if they could do it! Anyway, I will try to produce new material for not concurencing the book. From now I will indicate if strips are featured in the book. Hehehe we can hope there will be a tome 2!

17 July .2004

Still a nightmare at my office... so I can't update the UVoD as often as I'd wished! Some readers complain about that, and I will try to do better in august.

13 June .2004

I'm currently very busy at work, and so have not much time to update the Vault. Everything will be easier next month!

Here's an interesting lovecraftian webcomic - in fact it is more a story illustrated by "photoshoped" mixed medias: Wonder and Glory

01 May .2004

currentlyI've added a F.A.Q. page to explain some stuff, especially about who was HPL. Many people are not able to understand my jokes, because they know nothing about Lovecraft and the Mythos. I hope this will help!

15 Apr.2004

A korean translation of UVoD!

An excellent dark-humored comic: Voice in my hand

for the specialists, the Cthulhu lexicon, an encyclopedia of people, creatures and place from the HPL's (and followers) works.

01 Apr.2004

I'm currently working on the layout of the upcoming book. I have now enough strips to fill up it up, and will post the cover soon!

I'm proud to be part of the ko fight club web comic list, a very complete listing.

As an intro to HPL's universe, here comes a good digest pages, with all you have to know.

01 Apr.2004

Book is taking shape, and is planned for August 2004, official announcement will be done soon by Pegasus . Paul of Cthulhu, from the famous YogSothoth.com is currently helping me to edit/correct all the strips. I know have more than 120 unpublished strips to fill it.

06 Feb.2004
Bad news for me: a broken Achille tendon will oblige me to stay home for a few weeks. Good news for UVoD readers: this will boost my productivity... I hope so.

New: check up the Cthuloid avatars to download on the Link Page

31 jan 200'

Well, UVoD is still growing. A few more issues were drawn those last days... some inspired by the reedition (in french) of the Alberto Breccia's covers of the "Cthulhu Mythos" (previously edited in a very rare collection). This artist is one of the few who succeeded in representing the "unspeakable"... http://www.editions-rackham.com/mythes.html

an excellent webcomic, with a lot of issues, excellent artwork, and incredibly dark humour:
the cynical adventures of Butch, a serial killer wearing a "jason-like" hockey mask... check it from the beggining!

21 jan 2003
At last, some time to fill this web log... After a few weeks on the web, UVoD get some succes. Thanks to my supporters. Good news, a book is in negociation, with the support of Pegasus Spiele (thanks Frank and Pals...) Stars are getting right for this year... more news about this here, soon.
I'm currently reaching issue #50, and got a good stock of unreleased strips. To keep some unpublished material, I will release next strips one by one.
When I started the UVoD, I did not know the web comics universe. I spent some time searching for other HPL's related strips and founded some...Alas I'm not so original:

Cthulhu meets Hello Kitty... cute, but not so fun (IMHO). seems quite dead (may be sleeping...).

This strip is a must-see (and seen on tee shirts and mugs...). The author is ruling the excellent "dork tower" webcomic... about RPG, video game addiction and more.

The call of Whatever
a long comic, featuring heavy HPL reference. Art is not exceptionnal, and it's some time a bit long, but it's worth to be read.

First of all, Hello to all visitors... I just start this log before the "official" opening of the UVoD. I'll soon reach issue#50, and then unleashed the thing upon the WWWorld! Most interested people (HPL "pure" fan and Roleplayers) were already told of the fact, through forums and newsletters.

Why UVoD? Well, why not? I've been a sincere HPL Fan for a looooong time (thanks for Denis who gave me my first HPL book, and masterised my first CoC session! He's now correcting the unspeakable english of the strips --- please be mercyful, Mastah, for I am a poor english writter ---- for new readers I'm french and have work a lot on his universe in a really serious way - check the HPL section in my "serious" website: http://www.goominet.com.
But I learned something important: never be too serious - it could be dangerous for the ego. I've always drawn ridiculous small creature, so why not revisit the Mythos, through the Gods'eyes this time.

©2003-2021 F.Launet/Goomi Studio